Alpha Business Consultants

Monday, February 21, 2011

How can an Alpha Business Consultant help your Business ?

How can an Alpha  Business Consultant help your Business ?

  • How can a Business Consultant help you obtain a Better Deal for your Finances ?
  • Why should a Business Consultant Review your Insurances ?
  • Why should a Business Consultant be conversant with Social Media Strategy ?
  • What assistance can a Business Consultant offer with Negotiation with your Creditors and Debtors ?
  • Why should an effective Business Consultant be Networked with other Professionals ?
  • Why should a Business Consultant have hands on experience with operating their own Small Business ?
  • What input can a Business Consultant have with your Staff Training ?
      Essentially a Business Consultant cannot be a ' Jack of all trades ' ,
      but needs to have practical experience of all areas of Small Business .

      Over 50% of all non-Franchise Small Businesses fall over within the first two years of operation .

      Over 80% of all non-franchise Small Businesses fall over within the first five years .

     Barely 1-2% are still surviving after ten years .

     Therefore an effective Business Consultant must be a Part of a Team of Specialists .

     This Business Consultant Team must include -

  1.      Finance and Mortgage Advisor
  2.      Sales and Staff  Qualification Update Training
  3.      Insurance Specialist
  4.      Social Media expert .
  5.      Marketing and Advertising
  6.      Accountant
  7.      Negotiator
  8.      Business Consultant Team Leader
    The vital Role of the Business Consultant Team Leader
    will be explained in the next Part of this Series .

    For more information

    Contact Jeremy Reynolds at


 Copyright - Alpha Training - Jeremy Reynolds - 2011 .

1 comment:

  1. Is your Business in trouble ?

    Alpha Business Consultants can assist you
